About Me

Changed My Life

The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions.
  – Tony Robbins.

Does your life seem OK externally but inside you feel like something is missing?

It’s cool to have nice things. It’s great to have money.

It’s amazing to have opportunities to travel and see the world. 

However, I will tell you what is even more beautiful.
It’s amazing to wake up every morning with a sense of purpose.

It’s amazing to do what you love. 

It’s amazing to feel “normal” even when you are not “normal”.

It’s a big joy not to care what other people think and say about you, not because you are arrogant, but because you know that you are good enough as you are.

It’s amazing to finally feel joy, not from achievements, not from status, but just because I am alive. To enjoy the sun, or snow, or rain, or any season of weather or life… To enjoy flowers and the sky…

To receive joy from conversations with parents, friends, strangers…

To have a heart full of love, just because today I was able to touch somebody’s heart and make their life a little bit better, a little bit happier, with a little bit less suffering.

The life that is worth living…

I feel incredibly happy to finally have this, however, it was not always this way…

Even though Externally, My life looked successful

I got a Master’s Degree in Computer Science with a perfect 4.0 GPA

I moved to a bigger city

I quickly got into programming as a career

I got into a leadership program

I started a successful recruiting business with no budget

I took part in hackathons, conferences, product school, workshops

I traveled a lot

I had my choice of romantic partners

I got accepted into 3 out of 4 respectable US universities even though I applied as a foreign student. I was able to pay tuition out of my own pocket, even though it was triple what locals paid

I got married to the man of my dreams and moved to the US

I was a straight “A” student even though I was in a foreign country and did not have perfect English

I experimented, conducted workshops, networked, built startups, took risks, lived an entrepreneurial life…

but, something was missing…

internally, i felt Like a mess

I thought that programming was my dream job, but when I finally got into it I was totally disappointed because it was not what I expected.

I realized that I am more of a people person, so I changed direction to recruiting, but the daily routine started to burn me out because there was no real interaction with people.

Even though I had a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, it felt like a waste.

I was not able to manage my finances well, regardless of how much I made.

I moved around a lot…

My relationships never lasted more than 2 years.

When I married the man of my dreams, it turned out to be the biggest challenge of my life and ended in divorce.

I spent a lot of time and money studying psychology, thinking that if I understood it, my life would fall into place. I was naive, I thought that somebody has the- key to the perfect life.

I had nothing but instability. My plans were always disrupted…

Nothing seemed To work out for me...

I dropped out of university and went back to Ukraine. My marriage fell apart. I was stressed, tired, depressed, broke, did not have any dreams or plans for the future…

I took walks in the park with enormous emotional pain in my chest, not understanding what to do with my life…

One of these gray days, I got a call from a friend. I cried about life to him.

He suggested that I take an NLP course.

I was skeptical that anything could help me, but since I liked to study I looked into it, and considered joining the group… and then…

An NLP course changed my life...

Over the last 10 years I went through many personal development training courses, individual and group psychotherapy sessions, spirituality studies, and many others things. During this time I have gained a lot of useful knowledge and skills.

However, NLP became the game changer for my life:

I got clarity

I started to feel my power coming back

I developed emotional resilience

I started trusting myself and the Universe

I finally stopped feeling resentment toward my parents that I had been present for many years despite hundreds of hours of psychotherapy

My depression and anxiety went away

I got rid of toxic people and put myself into a supportive environment

Even though my life did not look put together from the outside, I felt like I was on the right track
I became more resourceful and creative

I stopped feeling that I required external validation to be ok
My desire to dream big and set challenging goals came back

I started to see my challenges as blessings

I finally started feeling that I have control over my life regardless of external circumstances

Moreover, I started to see how I can help other people as well.

This is when I decided to make it my career...

Follow me at @InnaNLP

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